NPOL2014, "Best Poster Award", SLSSL, Dong Yeong KimDong Yeong Kim received the Best Poster Award at the 10th conference on Society of LEDs and Solid State Lighting (제 10회 LED 반도체조명학회)....
NPOL2013, "Best Poster Award", ENGE, Seung Jae OhSeung Jae Oh received the Best Poster Award at the conference on 2013 Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (친환경...
NPOL2012, "Best Poster Award", ICEAN, Seunghee LeeSeung Hee Lee received the Best Poster Award at the 1st International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials. Title: Enhanced...
NPOL2011, "Outstanding Paper", ICAE, Sunyong Hwang & Hyoeun KimSunyong and Hyoeun's papers have been selected for "Outstanding Paper" at the Interantinoal Conference on Advanced Electromaterials...