SPIE Photonics West 2013 @ The Moscone Center, Sanfrancisco, USA on February 02-07, 2013
Sunyong Hwang's presentation Probing the efficiency droop with GaInN light-emitting triode: effect of hole-injection efficiency on droop behavior
Hyunah Kwon's presentation Enhanced performance of organic solar cells by using three-dimensional nanohelix-array electrods
Jun Hyuk Park's presentation Reduced efficiency droop of GaInN-based light-emitting diodes by using graded AlGaN/GaN superlattice electron blocking layers
Seung Hee Lee's presentation Enhancement of power conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells by hybridization of TiO2 nano-helixes array and nanoparticles
With Prof. Schubert
After conference...